
A simple and to the point classless CSS stylesheet

What is this ?

This is a classless CSS stylesheet, built for lightness and simplicity.

Concrete can be a great starting point for a simple website.

It also switches to a dark theme if your OS uses one.

Inspired by Milligram and Skeleton.

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Get Started

In your HTML <head>

Just drop this line into your HTML head:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

In your javascript project

Add the dependency:

npm install concrete.css

Import it somewhere in your code:

import 'concrete.css'

Reading this page

In order to see the HTML code that creates the elements you're seeing, you can either:


h2 heading

h3 heading

h4 heading

h5 heading
h6 heading

I can simply be a paragraph.

I can be a link.

I can be bold.

I can be underlined.

I can be emphasised.

I can be small.


For structuring your page, you can use the <main> element inside of the body. It will be automatically centered on the page, with a maximum width of 640px, like the page you are reading right now.

To isolate the title of your page, and make it bigger, you can use the <header> element. You can see an example at the top of this page.

You can use the <section> element to separate between the different sections. The section will simply be given some bottom padding.

The <footer> element will center the text inside of it. You can see an example at the bottom of this page.



Simply add an image element, and voilà !



Adding a caption to a figure is as simple as it sounds.

This is the right-aligned caption for the figure. This example is very long to demonstrate at least one line-break.


The concrete list is simply marked by a square.

  1. Ordered element 1
  2. Ordered element 2
Description term
Description detail


A clean navigation bar is simple to achieve.


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Name Year Size Comment
Skeleton 2011 5.7kB Awesome
Milligram 2015 8.3kB Amazing


"I'm quoting myself" - Louis Merlin

Progress Bar


Horizontal Rule

Sites using Concrete